Improving Diabetes Prevention and Management

Grantee Name

Joslyn Levy & Associates, LLC

Funding Area

Improving Diabetes Prevention and Management

Publication Date

April 2013

Grant Amount


Grant Date:

January 1, 2010 – May 16, 2011


In 2007, the New York Health Foundation (NYHealth) funded 12 grantees through the request for proposals (RFP), Setting the Standard: Advancing Best Practices in Diabetes Management.

The goal of Setting the Standard was to move New York State’s primary care system to adopt and spread best practices in disease management and establish them as the universal standard of care for patients with diabetes. The Chronic Care Model—a highly respected and accepted framework for approaching the improvements sought through this initiative—was a major reference point in the RFP.

In 2010, NYHealth funded Joslyn Levy & Associates, LLC, to assess the outcomes of 10 of the 12 grantees funded under the RFP. Joslyn Levy worked in collaboration with Patricia Patrizi of Patrizi Associates to study the projects and produce a final evaluation report.

Outcomes and Lessons Learned

  • Assessed how well each grantee advanced against its stated objectives.
  • Assessed how well each grantee performed with regard to the Chronic Care Model (in terms of how much progress was made along each of the model’s dimensions).
  • Gathered data from multiple sources, including a review of initial proposals; interim and final reports written by the grantees; key informant interviews with project leaders; and a review of clinical data.
  • Conducted site visits with a number of the grantees.
  • Interviewed city- and State-level public health officials and local and national leaders working on diabetes care to assess the context of local challenges in spreading these initiatives.
  • Produced the report, “Setting the Standard: A Foundation Initiative to Advance Best Practices in Diabetes Management.”