Expanding Health Care Coverage

Grantee Name

Community Health Care Association of New York State, Inc.

Funding Area

Expanding Health Care Coverage

Publication Date

December 2014

Grant Amount


Grant Date:

December 2011 – July 2013

The Affordable Care Act is expected to bring an influx of newly insured people into the primary care setting.

Increased primary care capacity is needed both to care for additional patients and to ensure a strong safety net for those who are left behind and remain uninsured. Therefore, federally qualified health centers (FQHCs) became a cornerstone of health reform. In New York State, approximately 60 FQHCs are expected to double their capacity by 2015, serving nearly 3 million New Yorkers. It was critical that New York State develop a rational, data-based plan for building FQHCs’ capacity and expanding their reach.

In 2011, NYHealth provided a grant to Community Health Care Association of New York State, Inc., (CHCANYS) to produce a statewide growth and sustainability plan that would identify key points of need and opportunity for building FQHC capacity; direct State attention and investments; and propose concrete strategies and effective models to increase primary care access.

Outcomes and Lessons Learned

  • Created need and sustainability measures to identify and rank areas in New York State in need of increased FQHC capacity with the potential for sustainable expansion;
  • Conducted interviews with FQHCs throughout the State to explore how they perceived and addressed capacity-related issues; and
  • Drafted the report “A Plan for Expanding Sustainable Community Health Centers in New York,” which NYHealth released in April 2013. The report identified opportunities to expand FQHCs’ capacity, including development of high-performing community-based primary care; primary care workforce recruitment and retention; access to affordable capital; and community-level planning.

Moving forward, CHCANYS will work with its collaborators and partners in implementing the plan’s recommendations to help FQHCs increase their primary care capacity.