Improving Diabetes Prevention and Management

Project Title

New York State Faith-Based Diabetes Initiative

Grant Amount


Priority Area

Improving Diabetes Prevention and Management

Date Awarded

November 19, 2009







Diabetes prevalence in New York State has doubled since 1994 and is expected to grow; 1.8 million New Yorkers suffer from diabetes and 4.2 million have prediabetes.

To address this crisis, the New York Health Foundation (NYHealth) invested in a $35 million Diabetes Campaign with the goal of reversing the epidemic. The Campaign focuses on improving clinical care and patient outcomes; mobilizing communities to prevent diabetes and support diabetes self-management; and promoting policies that sustain comprehensive and effective care for people with diabetes. NYHealth funded the Institute for Leadership (IFL) to further the Campaign’s goal of mobilizing communities to spread programs that help prevent, identify, and manage diabetes in places where people live, work, and worship.

Grant Goals:

IFL hoped to achieve the following goals:

  • Build the necessary infrastructure and momentum to expand the Campaign’s reach to faith-based organizations throughout the State.
  • Increase the capacity of faith-based organizations to deliver diabetes management and prevention services.

Grant Outcomes:

IFL accomplished the following:

  • Developed and led a strategy to spread Defy Diabetes, an effective diabetes self-management and prevention program in congregations across New York State.
  • Engaged 4,425 congregations to join the Campaign to engage the faith community in understanding the diabetes epidemic.
  • Established 161 Defy Diabetes self-management programs, serving more than 2,700 people.
  • Communicated information about the Campaign and hosted regional events promoting participation.
  • Helped faith-based organizations identify, screen and train volunteers, called community health workers, to implement Defy Diabetes.

Grantee Information:

  • Grantee Website:
  • Grantee Amount:
    Phase 1: $453,931
    Phase 2: $886,191
    Phase 3: $523,244