Building Healthy Communities

Project Title

Growing a New York City Food Hub

Grant Amount


Priority Area

Building Healthy Communities

Date Awarded

March 28, 2016







GrowNYC is home to the Greenmarket farmers market program, which consists of more than 50 farmers markets spanning the five boroughs of New York City. Greenmarket Co., a food hub and distribution program operated by GrowNYC, is a major food source to a diverse array of sites around the City, including at NYHealth Healthy Neighborhoods Fund sites.

Greenmarket Co. creates a place for local farmers to sell their products while increasing access to fresh, local foods to underserved communities. Now in its fourth year of operation, Greenmarket Co. has considerably increased its annual food distribution and operations, but more staff members are needed to keep up with growth. It is working with City and State stakeholders to create a Greenmarket Regional Food Hub in the South Bronx, which would significantly improve access to fresh, healthy food for an estimated 350,000 New Yorkers in the area. In 2016, NYHealth awarded a grant to GrowNYC in support of additional staff over the next two years as the regional food hub is established.

Under this grant, GrowNYC hired three new staff members, allowing Greenmarket Co. to spend more time building relationships with community partners, City agencies, and farmers. With increased staff, GrowNYC expanded its reach and increased sales, which resulted in the organization being able to fully cover the additional staff members at the end of the grant period. NYHealth support also allowed GrowNYC to provide food to an additional 150 Healthy Neighborhoods Fund sites in New York City.