Improving Diabetes Prevention and Management

Grantee Name

Seneca Nation Health Department

Funding Area

Improving Diabetes Prevention and Management

Publication Date

December 2011

Grant Amount


Grant Date:

February 2008–May 2009


Over the past decade, the Seneca Nation Health Department has maintained several programs and initiatives for diabetes management in its community.

However, the community at large was not using the programs and community members were continuing to develop diabetes. In January 2008, NYHealth awarded the Seneca Nation Health Department a grant to hire an outside consultant and evaluated its current programming strategies and how they compare to others within tribal and general U.S. communities. NYHealth funded this project through its 2007 Setting the Standard: Advancing Best Practices in Diabetes Management request for proposals.

Outcomes and Lessons Learned

  • Seneca Nation Health Department’s Tribal Health Board and Administrative Team used the work plan and recommendations in the consultant’s report to set priorities for improving its diabetes management program.

Read the report associated with this grant, “Setting the Standard: A Foundation Initiative to Advance Best Practices in Diabetes Management.”