Special Projects Fund

Grantee Name

Visiting Nurse Service of New York

Funding Area

Special Projects Fund

Publication Date

November 2015

Grant Amount


Grant Date:

March 2009 – February 2012


Poor medication management poses one of the greatest risks to elderly home care patients.

Contributing factors to problems in medication management include weak supervision by frontline nurse managers; lack of training and development opportunities for home care staff; and high turnover rates among home care staff. Developed by the Visiting Nurse Service of New York (VNSNY), the Collaboration for Homecare Advances in Management and Practice (CHAMP) training program is a national initiative to improve the quality of geriatric home care services. CHAMP offers a variety of tools to advance home care clinical practice and improve quality, including for geriatric medication management.

In 2010, NYHealth awarded VNSNY a grant to offer the CHAMP training to home care agencies across New York State.

Outcomes and Lessons Learned

  • Offered a revised CHAMP program entirely online, reducing fees from $1,000 per team to $149 per participant;
  • Trained 56 frontline nurses, reaching approximately 358 field nurses and 23,296 recipients of home health services; and
  • Generated high satisfaction among participants: 85% reported improved medication management skills, 62% reported their staff’s clinical skills had improved, and 75% reported they would recommend the training to a colleague.